Membership Statistics of Dundas Valley City Branch 36 for 2004 to 2025
Membership Report - February, 2025
Welcome, comrades, to a new year. Membership renewal has been going extremely well so far, but the dues have to go up. Dominion Command has increased their portion of the dues so we will have to increase them to keep up. The new price of dues will be $60 as of 1st February, 2025.
Provincial Command meets in the summer, so we have yet to hear from them about their portion of the dues. I will let you know when that happens.
Charlie Parsons - Membership Chair
Membership Report - November 2024 - No Report this month
Membership Report - August 2024
It is absolutely amazing how quickly the year has flown by. Membership is growing at a good rate, but as the end of summer approaches things are slowing down.
We need to keep the momentum going to build and keep our standing as the biggest legion in the district.
“Just bring one”
Charlie Parson's - Membership Chair
Membership Report - May, 2024
Membership is doing very well. If the applications keep coming in the way they have been, we will have more members this year than last year.
This does not mean we can ease off on getting new members. If you know a friend or someone from work that is interested in meeting great people and having a good time, sign them up.
As always, we are still recruiting and as Mike Alkerton says if you “Just Bring One” to the Branch we can remain strong and a leader.
Many thanks to all.
Charlie Parsons - Membership Co-Chair
Membership Report - February, 2024
In the summer of last year Charlie Parsons agreed to come on to the membership committee, and as a past officer of the branch he had a good idea of how much work was involved; however, in October my health took a wrong turn and I am unable to continue as chairman.
Charlie has stepped up and along with Bev Westoby (who does all the paper and computer work, which takes a few hours) the 2024 membership year looks to be as successful as last year. A lot of this success comes from the co-operation of you the members - Thank You !
However ! There are still about 125 people who have not renewed for 2024. Please do so. It will keep us the largest branch in the District and make it a little easier for Charlie and Bev.
Thank You for all your co-operation over the years.
P.S. Charlie is also looking after Bursaries. I am still available by phone 905 628 2822
Charlie Parsons and Mike Alkerton - Membership Co-Chairs
Membership Report - November 2023
“Just Bring One” has been our theme for several years now and it seems to work. You, the members are bringing in new members, which allows us to be the largest branch in our District.
The 2024 membership year has started, and after a long summer of inactivity we could use the cash flow. So please try to be an “Early Bird”, there will be a draw at the end of November for those of you who have already paid your dues for 2024. You could win your dues back.
The price remains the same $55.00. You can mail it in “or” the best way is to stop by the Branch and pay by cheque or cash.
By being an “Early Bird”, you make Charlie Parson’s, Bev Westoby’s and my job a lot easier, so please help us out.
Any questions see or call me - Mike at 905-628-2822 or see Charlie Parsons.
Mike Alkerton - Membership Chair
(Home 905-627-2822 or Branch 905-627-7221)
Membership Report - August 2023
Last year was one of our better membership years thanks to your help. As of this Bullytin we have 638 members of all ranks which is the largest in our Zone and District.
This year I will be getting a lot of help from Charlie Parsons. Charlie is a past Executive member who has come back on board and would like to help on the Membership committee,
I hope you the membership, will co-operate with Charlie, as you have with me, over the past number of years. As we have not had an increase (“AS YET”) in per capita from Ottawa I see no need to raise the dues this year. The yearly dues will remain at $55.00.
You can pay online at, by mail(cheque), but what we like to see is You the member come in and pay in cash or Debit at the bar. Bring a friend with you.
Remember our motto “Just Bring One” and we will stay at the top of the pile. The Membership year and “Early Bird” contest will start in September after Labour Day.
Charlie and I thank you for your co-operation in advance and as always, if you have any concerns or questions, please call me.
Yours in Comradeship
Mike Alkerton - Membership Chair (Branch: 905-627-7221 / Home: 905-628-2822)
Membership Report - May, 2023
This year has been a good year for renewals. We had over 600 paid members for 2023, making us the largest Branch in our District and seventh largest in Ontario.
Thanks for your help and co-operation; however, we still have about 40 members who are outstanding. Let’s hope we can get them back.
As always, we are still recruiting so if you “Just Bring One” to the Branch we can remain strong and a leader.
If you have any questions or concerns, please call me at home: 905-628-2822 or at the Branch 905-627-7221.
Or you can email me – the Branch email address is on the front of The Bullytin newsletter.
Many thanks to all and remember to “Just Bring One”
Mike Alkerton - Membership Chair
Membership Report - February, 2023
To those of you who have renewed for 2023 Thankyou. To the 125 or so who have not, would
you please drop by the Branch, mail it in or pay online at Paying at the Branch is a lot
easier for us.
For those who paid online you can get a 2023 label for your membership card at the bar in the clubroom.
Thank you all for your support. As always if you have questions or concerns contact me at home at 905-628-2822 or at the Branch at 905-627-7221.
“Just Bring One”
Mike Alkerton - Membership Chair
P.S. Yearly dues are still $55.00.
Membership Report - November 2022
The “Early Bird” drive has started. Those members paying their dues by 30th November can win
back their dues. The Early Bird draw will be held at the Sports Turkey Roll on Friday, 2nd Decemb-
er, 2022. Dues are still $55.00. You can pay in person at the bar using cheque, cash, or debit, or
go online to and renew your membership online.
Members who are prepaid, can pick up stickers for their cards in the Branch. We are always welcoming new members, so if you know someone who is interested in the Branch bring them in.
If we “Just Bring One” we will remain the largest Branch in our Zone. I urge you all to pay before 31st December, 2022 to stay up to date and make our job easier by not having to track you down.
Mike Alkerton - Membership Chair
(Home 905-627-2822 or Branch 905-627-7221)
Membership Report - August 2022
To the membership as a whole - Thank you all for your great support in the 2022 year. We are now the largest branch by membership in our Zone.
We will be starting our 2023 Membership year in early to mid-September. The dues’ structure will remain the same at $55.00, unless command in Ottawa comes up with something between now and then.
There will be an “Early Bird” draw this year for members who have paid their dues on or before 30th November, 2022 - so be an “Early Bird” - it makes our job a lot easier.
This year Bev Westoby and I are happy to welcome Branch members Tammy Niessen and Peter Howard as they have stepped up to work on the membership committee,
Starting in mid-September you can pay your dues at the Branch (cheque, cash or debit) or by cheque by mail, or go online to Royal Canadian Legion Dominion command at
We like to see our members pay to the Branch because we get the money faster than waiting for Ottawa. It helps the cash flow after the summer season.
I look forward to seeing your familiar faces, and some of the new faces around the Branch.
To keep us on top in the membership standings please try to “Bring Just One” new member in.
If you have any questions or concerns, please call me at the Branch 905-627-7221 or at home 905-628-2822.
Mike Alkerton - Membership Chair
Membership Report - May, 2022
I would like to thank the membership on their Branch renewals. This year has been very good. As of this writing we are over 90% of last year’s membership.
However, we don’t see about 80% of you. Please check out this Bullytin, emails and Facebook because a lot of things are going on at the Branch.
You know in your own life thing are going up $ $ $.
Here at the Branch, it is no different (big old building), lots of maintenance.
The general Branch election and Annual meeting are on Wednesday, 4th May at 8pm. Please try to attend.
This may be the most important meeting in a long, long, time. It may determine the future of Branch 36.
Please consider volunteering on a Branch committee.
Many thanks to all and remember to “Just Bring One”
As always if you have questions or concerns call me at home (905-628-2822) or at the Branch (905-627-7221).
Mike Alkerton - Membership Chair
Membership Report - February 2022
Last year we had almost 600 paid members; however, this year despite the pandemic and
shutdowns we are at this time (Dec.30th) close to 400 paid members.
The Christmas season was normally a good time for the membership dept. but if you are re-
newing you can do so online at or mail a cheque to the Branch.
As soon as the current shutdown is lifted the Branch activities will resume and it will be nice to see old friends and acquaintances again.
So, you can still log on or send a cheque and keep the Dundas Legion the largest Branch in the Zone.
N.B. Dues are still $55.00
As always, If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to call me at 905-628-2822.
“Just Bring One”
Mike Alkerton - Membership Chair
The support from the members of the Branch for the year 2021 was incredible. Thank You !
We did better that other branches in this pandemic year in that we are the largest branch in our zone and there are only six (6) branches in Ontario with more members.
The “Early Bird” Campaign will go to November 30th - You could win your dues back.
For 2021, 91 Branch 36 memberso paid their dues online, and some paid for more than 1 year.
This worked better than I thought (I didn’t trust Ottawa) so this year you can pay your dues online (, or by mail, or in person here at the branch (my preference) - that way we get to see some familiar people.
If you want to make a gift to someone I can keep a secret.
If we “Just Bring One” we can stay on top of the list. I have about 12 new applications no to be processed next week.
The dues are the same at $55.00 this year. Let’s try and top the 2021 Membership year. As always any questions or concerns please call me.
Mike Alkerton - Membership Chair
(Home 905-627-2822 / Branch 905-627-7221)
Membership Report - July 2021
Not much to report at this time, but I would like to thank the membership for their huge support
for 2021.
We are trying to get a Patio license (we might have it by the time you get this Bullytin).
When we do open, we are going to need people to step forward.
See you at the Branch.
Remember our motto - "Just Bring One"
Mike Alkerton - Membership Chair
P.S. Get your 50/50 tickets online, the minimum prize will be $1,000
Membership Report - February 2021
Although the branch has not had much to offer the membership over the past year, I am very
much taken by the support for the branch and Legion as a whole.
Several members have given me money to pay the dues of some of our older and less able
senior comrades. I find this to be an act of concern and kindness. You know who you are,
and I thank you so much.
At the time of writing this report (early January), we have 375 members paid for 2021.
Now - here is the hard part - to bring us up to last yearÃ�¢ï¿½ï¿½s numbers we have 225 comrades who will no longer be in good standing after 31st January, 2021.
While the branch is closed you can mail your dues in, or stick a cheque in our mail box at the front of the branch. You can even go online to and pay your dues direct to Dominion Command and they will send us our portion in about a month.
When we get through this pandemic (IÃ�¢ï¿½ï¿½m hating that word COVID-19), I hope we can get back to our normal fish fries, barbecues, meat draws, trivia, all the sports and all the other groups and just plain socializing.
So again, please try to bring a new member this year (Ã�¢ï¿½ï¿½Just Bring OneÃ�¢ï¿½ï¿½) as the Branch really needs your help.
As always, any concerns: questions, e-mail changes and address changes, phone number changes, etc. please give me a call at home.
P.S. dues are still $55.00
Mike Alkerton - Membership Chair (905 628-2822)
Membership Report - November 2020
First the Good News: Dues remain the same as last year $55.00.
The Branch and the Legion are very restricted as to our activities - that is the bad news.
There will be more information in this Bullytin.
I sincerely hope that you will renew your membership for 2021.
The Branch and the Legion Ã�¢ï¿½ï¿½NEED YOUR HELPÃ�¢ï¿½ï¿½ so that we may continue to serve our community and give help and comfort to those thousands of men and women who put on the uniform to protect our country and way of life.
You may pay your dues by mail (cheque) or our preferred way, drop into the Branch and pay by cheque, cash or debit card,
New this year, Ã�¢ï¿½ï¿½Pay OnlineÃ�¢ï¿½ï¿½ - go to and follow the links. Several members have done this already. One member who has done this is 94 years old Ã�¢ï¿½ï¿½ so there is hope for me on computers.
As an incentive to be an Ã�¢ï¿½ï¿½Early BirdÃ�¢ï¿½ï¿½ those members who have paid by 30th November will be in a draw to win back their dues.
So again, please try to bring a new member (Ã�¢ï¿½ï¿½Just Bring OneÃ�¢ï¿½ï¿½) and this year the Branch needs your help.
Mike Alkerton - Membership Chair
(Home 905-627-2822 / Branch 905-627-7221)
Membership Report - August 2020 - No Report due to COVID-19 pandemic
Membership Report - May 2020 - No Report due to COVID-19 pandemic
Membership Report - February 2020
Thanks to all who were "Early Birds"and our winners of the Early Bird Draw.
#133 - Peter Freeland
#164 - Bill Williamson
#169 - Wendy Torresin
#275 - Herb Gallifent
However, we still have 150 members who have not renewed. I send out notices at the end of January when you are no longer in good standing, so save us a dollar($1.00) and come in and pay your dues, or failing that mail us a cheque and I will return your updated membership to you.
We have not received as well as other years so try to "Just Bring One" new member to the branch.
As always if you have any concerns or questions please contact me.
Mike Alkerton - Membership Chair
(Branch - 905-627-7221 or Home - 905-628-2822)
P.S. You can pay your membership dues by cheque (by mail), or at the Branch Cash or Debit machine behind bar. The dues are still the same as last year $55.
Membership Report - November 2019
Ã�¢ï¿½ï¿½Early Bird DrawÃ�¢ï¿½ï¿½ for those members who renew by 30th November. You can win and have your dues refunded. There will be four (4) draws. Better odds than any lottery. To those 123 members who have already renewed (7th Oct) Ã�¢ï¿½ï¿½ Thank you.
I must again ask you, our members to try to Ã�¢ï¿½ï¿½Just Bring OneÃ�¢ï¿½ï¿½ we are Ã�¢ï¿½ï¿½notÃ�¢ï¿½ï¿½ recruiting well this year.
As always, any questions or concerns about membership please contact me.
See you at the Branch.
Mike Alkerton - Membership Chair
Home 905-627-2822 / Branch 905-627-7221)
Membership Report - August 2019
For many years now the paperwork for the Membership department has been done by Marilyn Latchford. She has been a strong and reliable right hand for me over the years. This year she is stepping down. She has performed a yeomanÃ�¢ï¿½ï¿½s service for the Membership department and the Branch. When you see her in the Branch give her a big thank you.
Bev Westoby has stepped up and will be doing MarilynÃ�¢ï¿½ï¿½s job this year.
Unless I get a big surprise from Ottawa the Branch dues will remain at fifty-five ($55.00) dollars. The Early Bird drive will start in September. If your dues are paid by November 30th you could win your dues back - there will be four Early Bird winners. ItÃ�¢ï¿½ï¿½s a better bet than 6/49 or any other lottery.
The Branch numbers dropped about twenty-five from last year. Recruiting has not kept up to attrition and renewals so if we try to Ã�¢ï¿½ï¿½Just Bring OneÃ�¢ï¿½ï¿½ our membership should stay at the top of the branches in our Zond and District.
*Note! You canÃ�¢ï¿½ï¿½t pay your dues online. This is it gives control of our membership here at the Branch, and the revenue than does Dominion Command.
You can remit your dues by cheque at the Branch or by (mail), cash, and debit is available for payment of dues at the branch. Please try to be an Ã�¢ï¿½ï¿½Early BirdÃ�¢ï¿½ï¿½ because: (1) The Branch can use the money after a long hot summer and (2) It makes my and BevÃ�¢ï¿½ï¿½s jobs a lot easier.
If you move please let us know, so we can change your address.
As always if you have any concerns or questions please contact me.
Ã�¢ï¿½ï¿½Just Bring OneÃ�¢ï¿½ï¿½
Mike Alkerton - Membership Chair Home: 905-628-2822 / Branch: 905-627-7221
Membership Report - May 2019
Thank you for renewing your 2019 membership. We are at 92% of last year's total membership.
This makes us the largest branch membership of all the branches in our Zone B6.
There are still about 40 people who have not renewed for various reasons, or just forgot.
We still have to recruit new members, so if you know someone who would like to become a
member bring her or him down to the Branch.
Remember our motto - "Just Bring One"
Mike Alkerton - Past President and Membership Chair
P.S. Don't forget the Branch Elections on Wednesday, 1st May, 2019 at 8:00pm.
Membership Report - January 2019
As of this date (8th January, 2019) the paid Branch membership is down from last year at this time by 47.
Over-all we are down about 150 from our total 2018 membership munbers.
I would urge (Plead) with those members who have not yet renewed their Legion membership for 2019. So in order to have a strong say in Legion matters we must have a strong and solid membership.
To those who brought new Legion members - THANK YOU ! ! but, we have not recruited as well as we did in previous years. The old slogan "JUST BRING ONE" still rings true.
As always if you have any concerns or questions please call me.
Thanks "Just Bring One"
Mike Alkerton - Past President and Membership Chair
(Branch - 905-627-7221 or Home - 905-628-2822)
P.S. You can pay your membership dues by cheque (by mail), or at the Branch Cash or Debit machine behind bar. The dues are still the same as last year $55.
Membership Report - November 2018
Renew before Nov.30 and be an EARLYBIRD and YOU COULD WIN BACK your dues. The branch
along with the membership committee would appreciate your co-operation.
Your dues can be paid by cheque, cash or debit at the branch. If you mail in a cheque we will return
your 2019 sticker to you. Your dues MUST be paid at the branch.
You cannot pay directly to Dominion Command in Ottawa. The dues remain the same at $55.00.
In order to stay strong we must bring in new members. The JUST BRING ONE theme has been a good recruiting tool for years and it still works.
As always, if you have any concerns or questions, please call me.
Thanks "ust Bring One"
Mike Alkerton - Past President and Membership Chair
(Home 905-627-2822 / Branch 905-627-7221)
Membership Report - August 2018
The 2018 membership year went well, although Iexpect a few more members will renew. At this time renewals and new members we are at 97%
for renewals, whichis good but it drops our overall number of members below 700.
As you are aware Dominion Command changed the membership cards and the way they process memberships. Last year it has been a nightmare for membership chairmen everywhere.
As they tell me they have GLITCHES in the system. We have had trouble getting cards for new members, transfers and replacement cards.
When you renew for 2018 you will get a sticker to place on the back of your membership card. These stickers are not going to be mailed to us until the last week of August, which is late. The "Early Bird" campaign will not start until September.
The hierarchy in Ottawa would like people to pay their dues online. This branch like many others will require you to pay your dues at the branch as always - cheque / cash / debit. The dues for 2019 will remain at $55.00.
As in other years I would urge you to "Just Bring One" in order to keep our membership (which is the lifeblood of the Legion) strong.
We would like to have an evening for new members - who joined in the last 2 years or more, and any other members who may be interested.
At this meeting we will explain the Legion Structure. Purposes and reasons for being, and any questions concerning it, and any questions about Branch 36 will be also be answered.
The date for this evening will be announced with posters around the branch, and all members of the branch who have registered their email address with the branch will be notified by email.
Any questions or concerns please contact me. "Just Bring One"
Mike Alkerton - Past President and Membership Chair
Membership Report - May 2018
Our loss in membership this year looks like it could be about 5% - under the circumstances, and looking at other branches that is pretty good. We should reach about 700 members.
Thanks to all those who have brought in new members and a big welcome to all the new members.
It would be great to see as many new and old members at the General Elections on Wednesday, 2nd May, 2018 at 8:00pm. It is very important that you attend.
There have been many changes to the Legion's Membership office in Ottawa over the last year. Overall it has worked quite well. There are still some outstanding problems that that we have., but we will get them resolved.
The summer is coming (slow time for the Branch), but there are several Wing Nights and BBQs planned, so please try to support your branch during the summer.
As always, any concerns or questions please call me at the Branch - 905-627-7221,
Mike Alkerton - Membership Chair "Just Bring One"
Membership Report - February 2018
As per normal we still have about 170 not renewed by 31st December, 2017. I would urge you to
please try to get to the Branch to pay your dues, or mail in your 2018 dues. If you mail in your
dues we will return your card immediately.
To those who did re-new - Thank you; it makes the job that Marilyn Latchford and I do so much
Since September we have recruited 27 new members - to those new members I say welcome to Branch 36; however, we have lost more than 27 members. We must recruit more members so please remember to "Just Bring One" and "Anyone can join the Legion".
The Legion strength is in numbers, and so far, we are one of the largest branches in Zone B6 and District B.
If you have any questions regarding membership please call me (at home: 905-628-2922 or at the branch 905-627-7221).
Mike Alkerton - Past President and Membership Chair
Membership Report - November 2017
To those members who have renewed - Thank You ! There are 550 members who have not
renewed yet.
This is the last Bullytin before Christmas so please make an effort to drop by and renew. You can pay by cheque, debit card or my old favourite CASH !
"You cannot pay Ottawa direct".
Our numbers still remain high as opposed to other branches in our zone. We finished 2017 with about 715 members. This was due to recruiting by our members who "Just Brought One".
If you can get in to pay your dues as an "Early Bird" it makes our job that much easier and contributes to the financial health of the Branch. So please bring in a friend and sign them up.
The Branch dues remain at $55.00. If your dues are not paid by 31st December I have to spend a lot of time and money to track you down.
Thanks "Just Bring One"
Mike Alkerton - Past President and Membership Chair
(Home 905-627-2822 / Branch 905-627-7221)
P.S. Please call me with any concerns or questions.
Membership Report - August 2017
Ottawa in their wisdom has decided to change the way they do business this year. Just how it is going to work we don't know yet. THEY WANT MEMBERS TO PAY THEIR DUES DIRECTLY TO COMMAND AND NOT TO THE BRANCH. WITH OUR BRANCH YOU WILL STILL PAY YOUR DUES TO THE BRANCH BY CASH, CHEQUE OR DEBIT. There are too many unanswered questions for it to work any other way.
There will be no more door cards and the membership card from Ottawa will be plastic (like a credit card). It will not have your years of service on it.
The summer has been very slow so I would ask you to be an "Early Bird" and renew your membership as soon as possible for 2018 - the branch coffers could use some help.
We lost quite a few members last year and to keep the strength of the branch up we must recruit. So, remember to
"Just Bring One"
If you have any questions or concerns call me.
Mike Alkerton - Past President and Membership Chair
(Home 905-627-2822 / Branch 905-627-7221)
Membership Report - May 2017
The 2017 Membership year has gone well thanks to the help of you, the membership.
We should be at, or close to being the largest Branch in our zone (B6); however, we must work to maintain our numbers.
There are still some members not paid for 2017 and this will be the last Bullytin they receive.
If you have moved or have any change in address please let us know. I hate spending .85 cents plus HST on a stamp only to have the envelope returned.
If you would like to have correspondence forwarded to you electronically from the Branch send us your email address - it should be noted that it is kept secure, will only be used for Branch communication with you and will not be handed out to anyone else.
As always if you have any concerns or questions please contact me at 905-628-2822 - home, or 905-627-7221 - Branch 36.
Mike Alkerton - Membership Chair "Just Bring One"
P.S. Don't forget the Branch Elections on Wednesday, 3rd May, 2017 at 8:00pm. It is very important that you attend.
Membership Report - February 2017
To the 452 Members who were "Early Birds" I thank you for your support this past year.
The "Early Bird" winners (dues paid by 30th November) are:
#72 - Cheryl Watkins
#436 - Jean Kirby
#194 - Elenor Southern
#35 - John Matthie
As of this issue of The Bulllytin there are still 150 members who are in arrears - You are no longer in good standing after 31st January, 2017. To make our job easier I would urge you to pay your 2017 dues as soon as possible at the Branch in person by cash, cheque or debit card or by cheque by mail.
Our numbers have dropped over the past year so we are in a position where we must recruit. Bring your friends in and let them have a look at us. If you have any questions please call me. 905-628-2822 (my home number).
Mike Alkerton - Membership Chair "Just Bring One"
Membership Report - November 2016
Our membership is starting to decline. We are not recruiting as well as we have in other years, So we must step it up. The best way is for Branch members to bring in friends and neighbors. Show them what we have and then sign them up. Remember our motto "Just Bring One".
Please try to renew before 30th November. There will be an "Early Bird" draw and you could win back your membership dues.
"Snow Birds" please renew before you go south. After a long dry summer we could use the cash flow.
I hope to see many of you helping on the Poppy Drive and also on 11th November.
You can pay your dues $55.00 this year by cash, cheque or debit at the branch. You can mail it in and I will return your membership card by mail.
"Just Bring One"
Merry Christmas to all,
Mike Alkerton - Membership Chair
Membership Report - August 2016
Please Note !
Due to increases in per capita payments to Toronto and Ottawa, cost of stamps, printing and miscellaneous items the Branch, at the June meeting, passed an increase of (5) five dollars to Branch dues for the year 2017.
It has been 5 years since our last dues increase; therefore, the dues in 2017 will be (55) fifty-five dollars.
Our member ship has had a net loss of 25 members since September of last year. This loss is due to non-renewal, attrition, transfers and not recruiting enough new members.
So if you know a veteran, or someone who has served, or someone is interested bring them on a visit and tour the Branch and get them signed up.
The Legion year (2017) starts in the first week of September. There will be an "Early-Bird" draw that will include all Branch 36 members who have renewed their membership before November 30th. You could win back your dues.
Please try to renew as soon as possible. After a long slow summer the Branch needs the cash flow. You can pay by cheque, debit or good old cash.
For you snowbirds who head south please give your Branch a thought so I don't have to chase you down next April. Remember the Branch Motto "Just Bring One"
If you have any questions please call me at the Branch (905-627-7221) or at home (905-628-2822).
Mike Alkerton - Membership Chair "Just Bring One"
P.S. Legion Membership is open to all Commonwealth subjects and Canadian citizens.
Membership Report - May 2016
As this Issue of Bullytin there are still sixty members who have not renewed for 2016.
I know some members are down south and some are a littly tardy, or maybe both. Please try to get into the Branch or mail in your dues.
Our membership is declining to the point that at the Dominion Convention this year we only had 8 votes. At one time we had 12.
Although our numbers are down the Branch has recruited fairly well. Thanks to those who have brought in a new member. Our membership strength gives us a louder voice in Ottawa when we deal with the Federal government.
Most of the benefits our veterans receive were fought for by the Royal Canadian Legion. World War two is seventy years in the past, but there hundreds of thousands who served in "peace time", that is United Nations duty: in which hundreds were killed and maimed, to Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria where they now serve. They can use our support, so "Just Bring One".
Mike Alkerton - Membership Chair "Just Bring One"
P.S. Don't forget the Branch Elections on Wednesday, 4th May, 2016 at 8:00p,m.
Membership Report - February 2016
Again this year we had 4 "Early Bird Winners" - those who renewed their 2016 memberships before 30th November, 2015 and each won a return of their dues of $50.00
John Mattie
John Murphy
Peter Downey
Darren Rust
To those members who have already renewed their dues for 2016 ! THANK YOU!
Now the hard work starts! We have approximately 225 members who have not yet renewed so we would urge them to get in to the Branch and renew, or mail in your dues.
We have lost too many members over the past year due to deaths, transfers, non-renewals, etc. and that has brought our numbers down. Recruiting has been good but not good enough. It is up to you to bring in new members. Our "Just Bring One" theme does seem to work so we all have to work harder.
As always if you have any questions or concerns please call me at the Branch or home (905-628-2822).
Mike Alkerton - Membership Chair "Just Bring One"
Membership Report - November 2015
The 2016 year membership renewals have started off well. It is important to the financial health of the Branch after a long slow summer. I would ask you to please try and renew as soon as possible.
In order to keep our numbers we must recruit new members. If we all "Just Bring One" the Branch will remain healthy.
Would any new members who have yet not been initiated please try to get to the next Branch General Meeting to get initiated.
Remember you can now pay your dues by cash, cheque or debit here at the Branch. If you mail in your dues we will return by mail.
If you have any concerns or questions please contact me.
Mike Alkerton - Membership Chair "Just Bring One"
Membership Report - August 2015
To all of you who brought new members to the Branch last year - Thank You ! ! !
Your efforts helped keep our numbers up at near 2014 levels. As you know membership
Is the lifeblood of organizations. Well Done.
However! this is a new year and we must be ever on the outlook for new members. To all
members of the Branch remember our motto "Just Bring One".
As there as been no increase in per capita to Toronto or Ottawa, the dues for 2016 will
remain the same at $50.00 (fifty) dollars.
The summer is a very slow time at the Branch and our funds are depleted. I would ask you to please try to be an "Early Bird" with your membership dues. This would truly help the financial health of the Branch.
You can pay your dues at the Branch by Cash, Cheque or Debit card. If you can't make it to the Branch you can mail in a cheque and we will return your membership card by mail.
There will be a General Meeting on Tuesday, 15th September at 8:000pm Please try to attend as the last meeting in June was cancelled because no members showed up. How bad is that!
Some new members from last year have not yet been initiated, if you have not I would be pleased to see you at this meeting. Please make an effort to attend.
As always if you have any concerns or questions please contact me.
Membership Report - May 2015
The good news is that our numbers are well over 700, but they are lower than 750. Thank you to those who have renewed, and to those who have "Just Brought One". We have recruited 47 new members who we welcome to the Branch and hope they take an active participation in the Branch.
To those members who have not renewed their Legion members yet, this is the last Bullytin that you will receive so please make an effort to get into the Branch and re-new.
Our Branch elections are to be held on Wednesday, 6th May, 2015 at 8:00pm. Any member of the Branch may stand for election. This means ordinary, associate and fraternal affiliate members.
The Branch needs new people and new ideas, so please try to attend and allow your name to stand for office.
If you have any questions or concerns please contact me.
Mike Alkerton - Membership Chair "Just Bring One"
Membership Report - February 2015
As of this writing on January 16th, 2015 there are approximately 200 members who have not renewed for 2015.
To those of you who have renewed Thank You, to those who have not yet renewed I would ask that
you please make an effort to do so. You can pay at the Branch by cash or debit card or you can mail a cheque in and we will send your 2015 card back to you by mail.
If your dues are not paid as of January 31st, 2015 you will not receive your Legion Magazine and are no longer a member in good standing with the Royal Canadian Legion. If you have not renewed you will be notified by e-mail. If you have not paid and receive a notice please accept my apology.
We never stop recruiting new members remember our motto "Just Bring One" and as always if you have any concerns or questions please contact me.
Mike Alkerton - Membership Chair "Just Bring One"
P.S. Membership makes us strong in the Community and also in the Legion.
Membership Report - November 2014
To those of you who have already renewed your membership - Thank You !
The "Early-Bird" drive is now underway. If you renew your membership before 30th November you could win back your dues. There will be a draw for four (4) lucky members.
We lost about 35 members last year so we must recruit new members. I urge you to "Just Bring One" new member in to the Branch. The membership is very important to the health of the Branch.
As always if you have any concerns or questions please contact me.
Mike Alkerton - Membership Chair "Just Bring One"
Membership Report - August 2014
Good the Dominion Convention in Edmonton in June, a request for an increase in per capita membership dues was defeated; therefore, dues for 2014-2015 will remain at $50.00.
During the 2014 year Branch 36 had a small decrease in membership numbers. This has been happening now for a couple of years, but Branch 36 has managed to keep the decreases low, while some branches have had large membership losses.
We, that is, YOU have brought in many new members over the years to keep the losses to a minimum. I hope the "Just Bring One" theme, that we adopted here years ago, will continue on in 2015. So if you all "Just Bring One" new member we should be in good shape.
I know how important "The Bullytin" is to many members, some have no email, and others just like a hard copy of Branch 36 news and events. The cost of things just keeps going up (e.g. Stamps $1.00), so does the cost of printing so if you would like to use the internet to view The Bullytin on our Branch web site, then if you let us know we can stop your hard copy of it and save a little on the cost.
The 2014 "Early Bird" campaign will begin in mid-September. By being an "Early Bird" to be sure your name is put in for a draw in December, to win your Dues back and after a long dry(money wise) summer it helps the finances of the Branch if you get your dues in early.
You can now pay your dues at the Branch using cash, cheque or "DEBIT" or mail in your dues and we will return your new membership card to you.
If you have any questions feel free to call me.
Mike Alkerton - Membership Chair "Just Bring One"
The 2013-2014 renewal year has gone not too bad. I expect that we will be down by about 30
members not good, but better than most Legions in our District, which is cold comfort. This does not mean that we should not be recruiting new members, so if you "Just Bring One" new member into the Branch we will remain a Branch with a healthy membership in the future.
At this time I would like to pass on my sympathy and condolences to the Lewis family. The passing of our President, Dawn Lewis has hit all of us very hard. Most members have no idea how hard, nor how much work Dawn put onto this Branch. She will be very sadly missed.
Two important dates to remember: Branch General Meeting on Tuesday, 15th April at 7:30pm, and the Branch General Elections on Wednesday, 7th May at 8:00pm where nominations for positions are made by those Legion members in attendance.
This Branch needs members to stand up and accept positions on the Branch Executive.
As always if you have any concerns or questions contact me.
Mike Alkerton - Membership Chair "Just Bring One"
Membership Report - February, 2014
Thanks to those members who have renewed their 2014 dues. As of this printing we still have
175 members who have not renewed their memberships.
The Branch did not recruit well in 2013 and is not doing well in 2014. Last year for various reasons our total membership dropped about 4% which is not good for the health of the Branch.
If you have not renewed as of January 31st you will no longer be in good standing and will not receive your copy of the Legion Magazine. Please make an effort to renew. You can mail your dues in and we will return your card by mail, or you can drop by the Branch and pay with your debit card, cash or cheque.
We as Branch members must try a little harder. If everyone will ''Just Bring One'' new member in we will be in good shape. Many branches are slowly dying so don`t let this happen to Branch 36.
If for any reason you have decided not to renew we would like to know! If you wish to give us a reason as to why, we would appreciate it.
Notices will be sent out to each member who has not renewed their membership so please act on this as soon as possible.
As always if you have any concerns or questions please contact me.
Mike Alkerton - Membership Chair''
''Just Bring One''
We have started the 2014 membership year thanks to those who have already newed your membership.
I would like to urge those who have not to try and get to the Branch and do so.
If you wish to mail your dues we will return your membership by mail.
You can pay by cash or debit at the Branch. Be an "Early Bird' (pay by November 30th) and you could win your dues back. We will have 4 happy winners,
The Legion(Dominion Command) has a recruitment plan where if you bring a new member you could win a Caribbean Cruice.
We lost a few members last year (for various reasons) and we must bring in new members to keep our strength up.
If you have any questions about membership please contact me.
Mike Alkerton - Past President and Membership Chair
Membership Report - August 2013
Welcome to a new Legion year. Our Membership year will begin around the third week in September.
After a long summer when business is not good we sometimes find ourselves in a cash flow situation; therefore, I would ask you to be an "Early Bird" and renew your 2014 membership as soon a possible. We take Debit cards for payment of Legion membership dues.
In order to increase membership Dominion Command has introduced a plan for existing members who recruit new members to win a Caribbean cruise. More details about this are available at the Branch or online at
The contest is open until November 30th, 2013. There will also be a rewards draw for those members who renew their membership by November 30th.. You could win your membership dues back.
The Legion has lost a lot of members over the last couple of years, but we are still one of the strongest in Ontario - Lets keep it that way. Your help in our "Just Bring One" membership campaign has kept our Branch at the top. Lets continue this fine record.
If you have moved or are moving please let us know so that we don't lose contact with you. Make sure we keep your email address up-to-date so that we can keep you informed of events taking place at the Branch. Your email address is for our use only and will not be handed out to anyone.
As always if you have any concerns or questions please feel free to contact me.
Mike Alkerton - Past President and Bursary Chair
Membership Report - April 2013
As of 1st April, 2013 we have 61 members from 2012 not renewed for various reasons; forgot, moved or just not going to re-new.
Therefore, our numbers will drop below 800 for the first time; however, this is of small comfort even though we are the second largest Branch in the Zone and about fifth in the District.
We have recruited well and should try to continue doing so.
Remember to "Just Bring One".
Our strength is in the membership. We have lost contact with members when they move. So please let us know if you change address. You can do this by mail oremail
This is the last Bullytin until August. To keep up with Branch events go to our website at
As always any questions or concerns do not hesitate to contact me.
Mike Alkerton - Past President and Membership Chair
Membership Report - February 2013
While writing this report on 16th January we have 210 members who have not renewed for 2013.
This number seems to be constant throughout the years. I have sent out notices to those members who have not renewed. This is a lot of work and cost to the Branch. I would urge you to drop by the Branch and you can now use your Debit card to pay dues at the Branch, or mail your dues to the Branch. However if you are not going to renew would you kindly drop us a note or email the Branch at to let us know why. We would appreciate it. Thank you.
We are always recruiting new members and ask you to bring in "Just One" new member. Everyone is welcome, you do not have to have military service. To these new members we will have a mass initiation at the General Meeting in March. You will be notified. Please try to attend and see what the Legion is and does for our Vets and the community.
Each and every member can promote membership. We have a terrific package for our new members. Details are posted in the Branch and on our website. All members are entitled to a variety of incentives from Dominion Command and these are also listed on our website. For example, you can save up to 30% from Dell, there are exclusive offers from Carlson Wagonlit Travel, 25% off ICI paints, 15% off Travelodge rates and 50% off a World Deluxe Annual Membership from
If someone is interested in membership, simply ask the Bar Steward for a membership form. The person completes the form and returns it to the Branch. The form is reviewed and the person is contacted and membership dues are paid. Anyone can join the Legion, and no military service is required.
If you have any concerns or questions please contact me.
Mike Alkerton - Past President and Membership Chair
Membership Report - November 2012
Our "Early Bird" drive has started. Thank you to those of you who have paid your dues for 2013. I would urge those who have not paid to try and get your dues in as soon as possible. It makes our job easier and helps the financial health of the Branch after the slowest summer I can remember. If you can't get to the Branch you can mail in your dues and we will return your 2013 membership card within a week or less. We will have an "Early Bird" draw for those members paid by November 30th - you could win your dues back.
If you would like to have our newsletter The Bullytin sent to you electronically via email, as opposed to a hard copy, please send your email address to us and let us know. This saves us the cost of printing and postage.
We lost quite a few members last year for various reasons so recruiting new members is important to the strength of the Branch. Try to "Just Bring One" new member with you. We have a lot to offer.
Hope to see you at the Branch and as always, if you have any concerns or questions please contact me.
The Branch does not keep member's phone numbers so when you pay your 2013 dues, if there is a star punched on your card would you please give us your phone number so that our Honours and Awards chairman Gary Jameson can contact you.
Mike Alkerton - Membership Chair
Membership Report - August, 2012
For the first time since I can remember our numbers have dropped below 800. This is not good for the health of the Branch, or the Legion in general.
I would ask you the members to help me recruit new members. Bring a friend or relative in to the Branch - show them around, see what we have to offer - Sports, Entertainment, Social Activities and our main job - Remembrance (Poppy distribution).
The Dues for 2012-2013 will remain the same at $50.00. There has been a slight increase per capita in the amount we send to Legion Command, but the Branch will absorb this.
The "Early Bird Campaign" will start in the 3rd week of September. This is very important to the financial health of the Branch after a long, slow, hot summer when business is not good.
And ! If you are dues are paid by 3rd November, we have some "Early Bird" draws in which you can win your dues back.
Paying early sure does help the work of the Membership committee, Also if have any questions please get in contact with me - There are no stupid questions.
Mike Alkerton - Past President and Membership Chair
Membership Report - April, 2012
Not much to report this month. Thanks to those who brought in new members.
Welcome to the Branch !
We still have about forty members who have not renewed. Please drop by or mail in your 2012 dues - $50.00. We will drop below 800 members for the first time. This is not good.
As always if you have any concerns or questions please contact me.
Mike Alkerton - Past President and Membership Chair
Membership Report - February, 2012
The renewals for 2012 are coming in very slowly this year. As of this writing there are approximately 200 members who have not renewed as of yet. I would urge you to drop by the Branch or mail in your 2012 dues which are $50.00. We will return your membership card to you by mail.
We had a slight drop in numbers for the first time in many years. Last year we did not recruit as many new members as in previous years. I would ask you to bring in a friend, neighbor or relative and show them what we have to offer: Sports, Social Activities, Volunteer Work and if they show an interest sign them up.
In order to save a few dollars (stamps now cost .69 cents with HST). If you would like your Bullytin by email let us know, then we won't have to send you a printed copy and that will save us money in printing and postage.
If you have an email address you would be alerted to events occurring at the Branch by email - let us know your email address. We don't hand out your email address to anyone; we use it only to notify you of events occurring at the Branch.
Hope to hear from you soon! The strength of a branch is in its membership!
As always any concerns or questions please contact me.
MIke Alkerton - Past President and Membership Chair
Membership Report - November, 2011
Just a reminder your dues for 2012 are $50.00. I would urge you to renew as soon as possible. After a long day and slow summer the Branch financial situation will be better if you re-new early. Be an Early Bird and if you pay your dues before 30th November, 2011 you will win back your $50.00.
Recruiting has not been as good as other years. Bring in a friend or relative and show them what we have to offer. If we try to "Just Bring One" we can help keep our membership numbers solid.
If you wish to receive your Bullytin over the internet let me know along with your email address. It will save the Branch printing, stationery and postage stamps which are .67c and going up in January.
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As always any concerns or questions please contact me.
Mike Alkerton - Membership Chair
Membership Report - August, 2011
Please note! As passed at the last general meeting dues for the 2012 Legion year will be $50.00. This is due to the fact that everything is going up in cost - stamps, printing, etc..
If you have a computer and feel that you don't need a paper copy of the Branch 36 Bullytin please email us at and let us know. This would be a large saving to the Branch.
The Bullytin can always be viewed online in full living colour on the Branch's website at
Our numbers for 2011 dropped about 3% from 2010. This is the first time in 10 years so we must recruit better than we have. Bring your friends or relatives in and "Just Bring One" new member and we will get our membership back to where we were.
The strength of a Branch is in its membership. As always if you have any questions please contact me.
Mike Alkerton - Membership Chair
Membership Report - April, 2011
At the General Meeting on March 16th a motion was passed to raise the Branch dues to $50.00 for the 2012 Legion year. The reason for this is higher per capita costs, postage and stationary.
As of this Bullytin our numbers are down about 4% from this time last year. I would hope those members no paid up will get in and renew shortly.
Our recruiting never stops; if you know someone who shows an interest, please bring them in to see what we have to offer and then get them signed up.
As always if you have any concerns or questions please contact me.
Mike Alkerton - Membership Chair
Membership Report - February, 2011
The "Early Bird" membership drive went well. There were 5 early birds who won back their dues. On 31st December, 2010 we had 629 members who have paid their dues for 2011, which is about 75% of our total membership. We still have over 200 members who have not renewed yet. Thank you to those who renewed early, and to those who have not yet renewed you should have received a notice by now. I would urge you to drop by the Branch, or mail in your 2011 dues - they are still $45.
We are always recruiting new members. Some members of the Canadian public think that only veterans can become members of the Royal Canadian Legion, but this is not the case. The Legion was originally formed by veterans of Canada's armed forces, but a large number of today's Legion members have never served in the armed forces, and I am sure that there are many would-be members out there who would become members of the Royal Canadian Legion if they just knew that they can join. If you know somebody who would like to join, bring them in one day and show them what we have to offer.
A strong membership makes a strong Branch. As always if there any concerns or questions please feel free to contact me.
Mike Alkerton
Membership Report - December, 2010
"Early Bird" is doing well. As of this printing 50% of our members re-newed!!
NOW! The other 50% I would urge you to drop by the branch or mail in your dues. Remember dues are still $45.00. Recruiting is going well, but the more the merrier.
"Just Bring One"
Any questions or concerns please contact me.
P.S. To represent the branch at legion functions you must be initiated.
Mike Alkerton - Membership Chair
Membership Report - October, 2010
"Good News" - the dues for 2011 will remain at $45.00. Please try to be an "Early Bird" - that is paid membership before November 30th.
After a slow summer it improves the financial health of the Branch. There will be a draw for free memberships after November 30th - one draw for every 100 members who have paid up membership. It also makes the work of your committee a little easier.
If you can't make it in to the Branch, send it by mail and we will return same to you.
We recruited well last year and have transferred the members of Branch 343 to our roster so our membership is up.
We can't sit back and do nothing so I ask you to "Just Bring One" and we should stay as the strongest branch in the Zone if not the District.
Email - If we don't have your current email address we would like to have it. It is only used to notify you of coming events and Branch business, and is kept secure, and is not handed out to anyone. We had some problems with Hotmail and Yahoo addresses, but I think we have that straightened out.
As always, if you have any concerns or questions feel free to call me or see me at the Branch.
Mike Alkerton - Membership Chair
Membership Report - August, 2010
Welcome to a new membership year!!! With your help it has been a great year for renewal and recruitment. I suspect that 2010 will show a small increase in the membership numbers. Unfortunately the Hamilton Branch 343 (Macabees), due to declining numbers, were forced to surrender their charter. We welcome these members to our branch.
On a more dismal note, our dues structure must change. In 2007 we had per capita increases of over $6.00 and we had to raise the dues to $45.00. This year due to a small increase - our new friend HST - costs are going up. At the semi-annual general meeting (15th September), I will be asking for your approval of an increase of $5.00 to dues up to $50.00. Other issues will also be discussed at this meeting that require your approval. Please plan to attend.
Remember our motto "Just Bring One"
P.S. If we do not have your e-mail address, we would like to have it. It is used for branch business only.
Membership Report - April 2010
Thank you for your renewals. We are on track to be close to last year's numbers. We are always recruiting new membership so "Just bring one".
If we do not have your e-mail address we would like to have it. It will be used only for Branch 36 reports. As always, any questions please contact me.
When grandchildren or children of Ordinary or Associate members are in post secondary school they may be eligible for a Bursary from the Legion. Please contact me if you have questions.
Mike Alkerton - Membership Chair
Membership Report - January 2010
To those "Early Birds" and others who renewed before 31st December, 2009
We still have about 250 members who have not renewed. I would urge you to do so before 31st January, 2010. You can drop by the Branch, or if you can't make it in, mail in your dues and we will return your card by mail. Dues are still $45.00.
The "Early Bird" winners for 2010 were Paul Jefferson, Kelly Younger and Mike Williamson.
Those members who are in arrears will receive a notice. Please give it your prompt attention. As always if you have any concerns or questions please contact me.
Mike Alkerton - Membership Chair
Membership Report - December 2009
Thanks to your co-operation the "Early Bird" drive is going very well.
We (You) have been recruiting very well, but we always have room for more members. If everyone
"Just Brings One"
we will continue to be the best Legion branch in the area.
For those of you who have not yet renewed I would urge you to do so. If you can't make it to the Branch, mail in your dues and we will return your membershp card by mail.
The dues structure is the same as past years - $45.00.
To remain in good standing your dues should be paid by December 31st.
As always if you have any concerns or questions please contact myself or Suzi Mellen.
Mike Alkerton - Membership Chair
Membership Report - October 2009
As always we need more members so "RECRUIT". Remember to "JUST BRING ONE".
As always any questions, concerns, change of status or anything else please contact me. If
you are moving, or have moved, give us your new address.
If your email address has changed please let us know your new email address so we can keep
you up to date on events occurring at the Branch.
Not much to report except the "Early Bird" Draw has started for members who renew before November 30th.
There will be a draw and you can win back your dues.
We must recruit new members to keep up our strength. So if you just "BRING ONE" we will maintain our numbers. REMEMBER; membership is the life blood of the Legion.
If you have any questions or concerns please contact me or Suzi Mellen.
P.S. The dues are still $45.00.
Mike Alkerton - Membership Chair
Membership Report - August 2009
The "Early Bird" membership drive will start the third week of September. I would ask you to try
and renew as early as possible. After a long slow summer your early renewals will help the financial
health of your Branch.
Again this year there will a draw for prizes for those members who renew their membership before November 30th.
Our numbers have dropped a little from last year due to attrition and non-renewals, so again if we
"Just Bring One" new member into the Branch we can retain our numbers.
Membership is the life blood of the Legion.
If we do not have your email address, would you like to supply it, as we use email reminders
to remind members of upcoming events at the branch. Your email address is kept secure and is
used only for Branch business, and is not given out to anyone.
The dues again this year are $45.00. As always if you have any concerns or questions, please contact me.
Mike Alkerton - Membership Chair
Membership Report - April 2009
Again this year the branch has responded well to the "Early Bird" campaign. Fifty-five per cent of members were "Early Birds"; however, we can't get complacent and must always be recruiting. So if you have a friend or relative that you think might like to join bring that person to the Branch.
We have a lot of activities going on - Sports, Meat Draws, Dinners, Entertainment and just plain socializing.
Our Branch, because of your help, is now the second largest in our Zone. I would like to keep it that way. Allows us to do what we are supposed to do for the veterans and the community.
If you have any concerns or questions about membership in the Legion please call me.
Mike Alkerton - Membership Chair
Membership Report - February 2009
The renewals for 2009 are coming in a little slower than last year.
If you have not renewed by now, I would urge you to mail in your dues, or drop by the Branch. Our membership numbers have remained strong and we cannot afford to lose people.
When members renew their membership, we have been asking for their email address. We regularly send out notices of events taking place at the Branch, and try to keep you the membership up-to-date on Branch activities. It should be noted that member's email addresses are kept secure, and are used only for Branch business.
If you obtain an email address, or change your current email address, please notify the branch office by sending an email to: and supply your full name and ask that your email address be added, or updated.
At the General Meeting in March, we will have a mass initiation. I would also request your attendance at this meeting. We are more than a social club, the General Meeting is where much of the business of the Branch takes place, and where you the membership can learn more about the Branch, and offer input, and have questions answered
As always any concerns or questions please contact me.
Mike Alkerton - Membership Chair
Membership Report - December 2008 "Just Bring One"
So far, YOU, the "Early Bird" members have been renewing quite well, but as of this report, there are still about 400 who have not renewed.
I would urge you to get down to the Branch, or if you can't make it, please mail in your dues and we will return your membership to you by mail.
All members paid by November 30th will be eligible for the "Early Bird Draw".
We do send out emails notifying members of upcoming events at Branch 36. To do this we have a distribution list of email addresses of Branch 36 members. This list is used only for Branch business and your email address is kept private.
When you renew your membership please supply the email address to which we can send Branch announcements. If we don't have your email address we can't email you with news of events taking place at the Branch.
As always, if you have any concerns, or questions
please contact me. See you at the Branch.
Membership Chair - Mike Alkerton
Membership Report - October 2008 "Just Bring One"
It's that time again! The Early Bird Drive to renew your membership has started. Those members who renew before November 30th will be eligible to draw to win your dues back. There will be 5 draws.
It is very simple - drop in to the Branch, where myself, John or Stan will be here most weekends. If we are not present, then the Bar Steward will re-new your membership for you. If you can't come in, drop a cheque in the mail and we will return your membership to you.
Membership is the most important issue facing the Royal Canadian Legion, it is the lifeblood. Without your support it makes it difficult to carry on our mandate to the veterans, their families, and to the community.
Every year we lose members for various reasons, so it is important that we recruit new members. If we all try to "Just Bring One" new member, our problem will be solved.
As always if you have any concerns or questions.
Please contact me at the Branch - 905-627-7221 or at home - 905-628-2822. Oh Yes! The dues remain the same at $45.00.
Membership Chair - Mike Alkerton
Membership Report - August 2008
The "Early Bird" drive will start late in September. The dues will remain the same at $45.00.
It is important that you try to renew as soon as possible. There will be prizes for "Early Birds" again this year. If you renew early it is a great help to the membership staff.
We didn't recruit new members as well last year as we have in the past. It's a good time to bring in your friends and relatives to see what the Branch is like, and what we have to offer.
"Just Bring One"
If we all do this our membership problems will be solved.
In order to keep you up-to-date on events at the Branch we have an e-mail database. If we don't have your e-mail address we would like to have it, and it will be kept confidential and used only for Branch business. Please submit it when you pay your dues.
As always, if you have any concerns or questions please contact me.
Membership Chair - Mike Alkerton
Membership Report - May 2008
We are doing well as compared to other branches, but that is not good enough. We have about forty members who have not renewed their membership. We have recruited well, but not as good as last year. Membership is the lifeblood of any organization, so if we all would "JUST BRING ONE" new member to the Branch we would be in great shape. As always, if you have any questions or concerns regarding membership, please contact me.
Membership Chair - Mike Alkerton
Membership Report - March 2008
The early bird drive went well this year, Thank you for your support. As always we have about 100 members who have not yet renewed for 2008. If you are one, please try to get to the Branch or send your dues in by mail.
The Branch office now has internet access, and we are sending out copies of bullytins, and notices of coming events & activities at the Branch to members via email.
If you have an email address, please supply it to the Branch and you will begin to get email described above. The email addresses are for internal use only and are used only by the Branch.
Feel free to check out the Branch website at
As always if you have any problems or questions please contact me.
Membership Chair - Mike Alkerton
Membership Report - December 2007
Membership is doing very well, but we still have 450 members who have not renewed for 2008.
Please try and do so before December 31st. There are extra costs in time and money after this date.
We have been recruiting well this year, thanks to you, the members (there is no reason to stop). So as I have said in the past "Just bring one". A good solid membership makes for a good solid branch. As always if you have any concerns regarding membership please contact me. If you cannot make it to the branch, mail in your dues and we will mail your membership card to you.
Membership Chair - Mike Alkerton
Membership Report - October 2007
"Early Bird" has now started.